How to Design Your Office for Better Productivity and Wellbeing

Buy Rockworth office workstations

Creating a productive and positive office culture starts with re-evaluating the physical workplace. A quality workplace design leads to a more productive and less stressful office atmosphere. Employers also need to take office design into consideration because employees need to feel calm and comfortable in the office to deliver their best work. Here are a few ways to execute an innovative and attainable design that enhance employee wellbeing and productivity.

Natural Light and Office Lighting

People, in general, feel better in the outdoors whether they have any mental health condition or not. Researches also show that daylight is the critical component to cope with Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). Welcoming natural light in your office is an excellent way to help employees who are struggling with SAD. Having more windows in the office is an easy fix to access more natural light. Besides, you also have to careful while buying office furniture and workstations. We recommend you invest in furniture that will not prevent light exposure.

Similar to natural light, electric lighting is another core component to boost productivity and wellbeing. Studies show that poor lighting can cause eye strain, stress, and headaches. These conditions can directly hamper employee’s performance. Our psychological response to lights varies in different lighting settings. For example, LED lights feel more natural than fluorescent lights. Besides, they are energy-efficient and safer for the eye. It is recommended to invest in softer lights that don’t strain the eyesight.

Office Ergonomics

Backoffice employees often suffer from back pain, neck pain, sore wrists, etc. Proper office ergonomic is the best way to prevent these occupational injuries. Good desk posture, ergonomic office chair, adjustable desks, adequate equipment spacing can help your employees feel more comfortable at work. You can buy Rockworth office workstations and other ergonomic office furniture from Al Reyami Office Furnishings & Gen. Trading. We offer luxury office furniture from flagship brands like:

  • Archiutti
  • Sinetica
  • Sitland                                                          
  • Okamura
  • Rockworth
  • Office & Co
  • Sesta
  • Doimo

Our workstations come in various shapes, sizes, and storage options. They can be positioned and adjusted to improve productivity and maintain information flow. We also offer ergonomic office chairs at affordable prices that provide posture support, enhance productivity, and reduce pain. We recommend you visit our 20,000 sq. ft. Dubai showroom to explore our full range of ergonomic office furniture. 

Air Quality

Poor indoor air quality may cause both physical and mental issues, including respiratory problems. So, you have to be very careful to improve the indoor air quality of your office. The following tips will help you with that:

  • Ventilate the workspace properly. 
  • Avoid carpets, adhesives, and finishes with bad odours or irritants.
  • You can use an air purifier. If you are already using one, then change its filters frequently. 
  • Allow natural air to come in.

We hope that the above tips will help you to improve employee wellbeing and productivity. Never underestimate the role of high-quality office furniture to create a productive workspace. Visit our Dubai showroom today to buy Rockworth office workstations and other office furniture. We have 25 years of experience in this field, and you can rely on us.